Murray gave me this nice arrangement for A-P-S-A week a few years ago:

Now, I think that's just smashing. I think it's important that those in a position of power at least pretend to appreciate their underlings once a year - you know, because some people in managerial roles can be pretty jerky to those they manage. I've seen it happen to other people and it just breaks my heart. Thankfully, working for the family business means that I don't ever have to endure that. If Murray's acting crabby, I just tell him off. Kidding.
But I digress. As I was saying, if you can get past the political-correctness-spawned mutation of its name, this week can really be a way to get a lot accomplished on personal side of your profession. Thank the ones whose hard work make your job easier, whose overtime enables you to take a longer lunch. It will foster trust and camaraderie, and one day when your subordinates rise up and usurp you, you may be able to avoid the guillotine. Figuratively. Hopefully.
Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine.