Wednesday, December 18, 2013


So here we are a week before Christmas.  A week where, those of us who celebrate it run around in circles trying to get everything done in time for the big day.  From the shopping for last minute gifts, to picking up the yummy treats we serve to our family and friends, or (as in my case) working feverishly to put those lovely arrangements together to adorn the many holiday tables.
   I have to admit that the holiday spirit has somehow forsaken me a bit this year.  Oh don’t worry, I haven’t gotten to the bah humbug stage yet.  Perhaps it’s just that we get so worked up in our own day to day stuff that we tend to over look the meaning of Christmas. The biblical side of Christmas celebrates the day our savior was born. I understand that this is the true reason and meaning of Christmas.  But, to me, it’s even more than that; it’s a feeling of warmth, a holiday glow if you like.  You can’t find it in a store, or wrapped up, it just simply is there. It fills your heart with smoldering coals that heats the very essence of you throughout.  It’s what makes you smile, and maybe do something unexpectedly nice to someone you may barely know. It’s how you feel when you help a person who is truly in need. There is so much we can do for one another, and it takes so little effort to bring a smile to another ones face. Yes, that is what this season means to me.  Don’t get me wrong, I love the lights, the trees all decorated, the look on the children’s faces when they see Santa. It’s all part of the season as well.
    I guess what I’m saying, is that Christmas, to me, is a holiday that comes from within, and is meant to be shared throughout.

Merry Christmas to all!!!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Christmas Poinsettias

With the holiday season upon us, many of you will be buying or receiving Poinsettias. These showy beauties need special care but if you follow a few easy rules, there is no reason why your Poinsettia can’t last for many months. You may even be able to coax it to re bloom next year.
First a little Poinsettia history. Amateur botanist and the first American Ambassador to Mexico, Joel Poinsett, introduced the Poinsettia to the United States in 1828 from its home in Mexico. There, Poinsettias are a perennial shrub that can grow up to 10 or 15 feet tall.
There are over 100 varieties of Poinsettias available today, including traditional red, salmon, pink, white, burgundy, multi-coloured, marbled and speckled. “Prestige Red” ranks as the most popular colour, followed by white and pink. More than 6o million Poinsettias are sold each year in the U.S. Last year. They account for about one third of sales of all flowering potted plants available on the market.
Choosing your Poinsettia
Choose plants that:
·       have dark green foliage right down to the soil line
·       don’t have missing or yellow leaves
·       are not displayed in stores in paper or plastic sleeves; as these wrappings encourage deterioration of the plant
·       Are not too mature. If the yellow blossoms at the base of the bracts are showing pollen, this indicates that the plant will not last as long as the one whose flowers are tight, green or red tipped and fresh looking.
Always check for aphids or white flies on the underside of the leaves, as these are a very common problem for this variety of plant.
Care of your Poinsettia
Make sure your plant is wrapped well for its trip home in cold weather. Exposure to low temperatures, even for just a few moments, can harm the plant.
Slice the sleeve open rather than pulling the plant out, which can easily damage the leaves.
If a branch happens to break, you may notice that they ooze a milky sap. This is normal for a poinsettia to “bleed” and it will stop.  How ever, if you have skin allergies, wear protective gloves when handling your Poinsettia as a precaution.
Place your Poinsettia in direct light but not near a chilly window, making sure that it does not touch cold windows.
Six hours of light daily is required to keep your Poinsettia healthy.
Do not place your Poinsettia in a warm or cold draft.
Ideally, poinsettias require a daytime temperature of 60-70 degrees F; night time temperatures should be around 55 degrees F.
Water your Poinsettia when the earth feels dry just below the surface. Keep the soil moist at all times, not soaking wet,  making sure to  always provide good drainage, never letting your plant sit in water.
Contrary to what most of us have heard, Poinsettias are not toxic, according to a study done at Ohio State University. A child would have to ingest an enormous amount of leaves for there to be side effects. As for dogs and cats, Poinsettias are usually categorized as ‘mildly toxic.’

Getting your Poinsettia to re bloom
To get your Poinsettia to re bloom is quite a challenge as you will have to simulate the plant’s life cycle.
Once blooming has stopped, probably around March, begin letting your plant dry out more between waterings, and actually water less than before. If you notice the bottom of the stems starting to shrivel, it means you have gone too quickly and the plant is in stress.  After a week or two place your poinsettia in a cooler place and continue new watering schedule, inducing its dormant state.  In mid May, prune the plant back to about four to six inches from the top of the container. It is also a good idea to repot it into a slightly larger pot with fresh soil.  Place it in a very bright sunny window. Begin to water your Poinsettia regularly and fertilize every two weeks.
 Your Poinsettia can be kept outdoors in the summer, starting in June, in an area that provides it with bright indirect light (partial shade). Continue the watering and fertilizing schedule.  In early July, pinch tips to promote branch growth, about 1 inch off the top. If not done, your plant may grow tall and lanky instead of full and lush. By August it should have branched and become much fuller, time to pinch it back one more time then bring the plant back indoors to a bright location.

In order to promote blooming in your Poinsettia, requires giving it less than 10 – 12hours of daylight a day, for about a 10 week duration. So at the end of September or early October you need to have your plant in total darkness let’s say between the hours of 5 PM to 8 AM, every day. Covering your plant with a cardboard box is the easiest method for creating this dark environment. This will stimulate your plant to produce flowers. If placed in a cupboard, be careful, as any light that gets in may affect your chances for success (like opening the cupboard). Continue regular watering and fertilizing.
  If all goes well by mid to end of November (depending on when you started the process) you can stop with the darkness treatments, and leave your plant in a bright area, preferably in front of a window. Hopefully at this point some buds should be visible.
  In mid December or so, you can finally stop with the fertilizing, and treat your plant as you did when you first brought it home.  With care and some determination your Poinsettia should reward you with many flowers to last you through the winter, till its time to start the process all over again.
Written By:
 Linda Maislin


Thursday, November 21, 2013


  Also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight day celebration for those of the Jewish faith.  This year it will start on the eve of November 27th.   So what is Chanukah and how did it all begin?   A brief look back in history tells us of Antiochus IV, who was a successor of Alexander the Great, (about a hundred years after his reign). Now while Alexander ruled, he allowed the people of the lands he conqured to continue observing their own religious beliefs. This all changed when Antiochus came into power.  He oppressed the Jews, and would not let them practice their religion.  Taking over their temples and desecrating them.  After a time, forces were joined and the temples were rededicated.  However, the Greeks had defiled the temples and almost all the oil which was used to light the Manorah at the temple was completely depleted.  The Manorah,  a candleabrum, was lit every night and was to burn throughout the night, but there was only enough oil for 1 night.  Yet miraculously, it somehow burned for 8 nights, which was the time needed to make a fresh supply of oil. That is how Chanukah came to be, it  is a celebration of the miracle that happened so long ago.  It is also why it is known as the Festival of Lights and why it lasts for 8 days.   It is no wonder that this holiday is celebrated with the lighting of the menorah.  As mentioned above, this is a candelabrum, which consists of 9 candles.  The center candle, known as the Shammus candle, is normally taller than the other eight. The reason for this is because (in older times), if you needed light, you were allowed to light this candle at any time.  So to make it easier to not mistake it for the other ones, it was made slightly taller. As always, there is an order to all things, the shammus candle (the one in the center) is always lit first and used to light the other candles. On the first night the candle on the far right of the Menorah is then lit, this is done while reciting a prayer.  Every night that follows the shammus candle is lit first, a prayer is said, and then candles are lit from right to left in order.  So on the second night the far most right candle is lit, followed by the one to the left of it, and so on till all eight candles are lit on the last day.
    This holiday does not have many other specific rituals of sorts, but as it is celebration and a time to be with family there have evolved some family traditions. Some give small gifts to their families on each night the menorah is lit. Many like to sing after the lighting of the menorah is done.  There are songs of Chanukah most upbeat and happy; here is one if you care to listen; 

    You can also play with the Chunukah dreidel. (as see above) In this game, children of all ages spin the dreidel and bet on what letter will show facing up. The dreidel has 4 Hebrew letters on it, and when put together stand for the phrase “A great miracle happened here”.  The game is usually played for gelt, which is a chocolate, covered in gold foil and made to look like gold coins.  There are rules, and each letter has a different effect. So something happens each time the dreidel is played. For example, one letter means you get nothing of the pot, one means you get half, another (the lucky one) means you win everything in the pot, and of course one makes you pay. There is also a traditional song of the dreidel, if you like to listen go to this link

 Chanukah, a celebration of lights, the celebration of a miracle. Just as in all holidays, we celebrate with the ones we love, we sing, we play, and enjoy all the warmth that comes with it. 
Happy Chanukah to all!


Saturday, November 9, 2013

How to "winterize" your houseplants.

        We all know winter is coming. A season of shorter days and much colder nights. So because of this, the conditions inside your house change as well. The light levels you normally have during the summer, drops about 50% during this time. We also heat our homes, causing the air inside to be much dryer.
     As much as we get affected and need to adjust, so do our houseplants. So it’s a good idea at this time of year to do a little plant cleaning. Yep, they need a “bath” to rid them of dust that may have collected during the summer months.

     For larger leafed plants, this can be done using a moist cloth (use luke warm water, not cold or hot). Simply cradle the under part of the leaf with one hand while gently rubbing the top with the cloth. Once done, make sure not to put plant in direct light until it has dried, so as not to burn the leaves. For plants with smaller leaves, it would be easier to simply put them in the shower with a gentle spray, then let them dry before moving them (try not to drown them at the same time, concentrate more on just the leaves) For small plants with small leaves you can do these by the same method but maybe in your sink. If they are very small you could gently swish them in a pail of warm water, making sure to hold the plant in such a way so that the soil and the plant do not come out of its container. Again, let them be completely dry before placing them in the sun. For fuzzy leafed plants, like an African violet, the best way to clean them is with either a soft paint brush, toothbrush, pipe cleaner or even one of its own leafs that may have broken off. Then gently go over each leaf. Do not use a damp cloth on these varieties, as they will not like the water, or the pressure you may put on their leaves.

      It is also a good idea to make sure that you remove any flowers, or leaves that may be dead or dying, as they do take strength away from the healthier parts of the plant. Remove any dry leaves that may be resting on the soil as well.

    Now that your plant is happy and clean, it can better take in the nutrients it needs from the sun. As we do get less light, you may want to move your plants closer to a light source (window if possible). Making sure the leafs do not actually touch the window, as the cold from the glass will freeze them. Also avoid placing your plants over or near a heat source, as the leaves and soil will dry out. You should also keep in mind if they are in front of a door, or window that you open frequently, they also run the risk of freezing. Plants are more sensitive to temperature drops than we are, and it doesn’t take much exposure to do them harm. As the air inside is drier because of heating, most house plants will also enjoy a fine misting every so often, as it will help give them a bit of humidity.

    Watering your plants during the winter does require a little bit more attention. Most house plants do not grow much during the winter due to the shortened days and are what we refer to as being “dormant”. This does not mean you can forget to water them, or that they need less watering. Each and every home is different, some are hotter and dryer than others, and some have more natural lighting than others. This all comes into the equation of watering. Though your plant may not be growing much it still gets thirsty. If your home is very dry, your plant may need more frequent watering of a lesser amount. For instance, instead of once every 10 days, maybe it needs half the normal amount every 5-7 days instead. If you want to check if your plant requires water, insert your finger about 2” into the soil, if it is dry, add water, and if it feels very moist then wait. If you are not sure, you could always give it a touch. It is always easier to give your plants a little bit, (erring on a bit of the dryer side), than have them drown and then try to save it.

    The last thing is feeding your house plant. As mentioned above, most plants are “dormant” during the winter months. So for the most part, they do not require any food to help them grow. How ever, if you are in a home that has a lot of natural lighting, your plants may be slightly more active than others. This being said, if you decide to feed them, (though not necessary) dilute the normal amount you would give them by 4, and feed them only a couple of times throughout the winter months. Too much food will make for a very lanky plant that is not very strong.

    So keep warm and enjoy the winter. It's here for a while. Remember to help your plants through those long cold days and nights, and they will reward you for years to come.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

   Today is the day we all get to let loose the “crazier” side of us all. It is socially accepted, and even encouraged for us to dress up as our favorite ghoul, zombie or what ever character or creature strikes your fancy.  It has become almost a tradition to be as gruesome as possible, and to be able to scare the most strong of heart. 
    This is a holiday celebrated by trick or treating, costumes, haunted houses and fun filled parties with grotesque looking food and yes even strange floral arrangements. We also mustn’t forget the carving of the pumpkin, a task that is enjoyed by the whole family, young and old. Anything to make the atmosphere as dark and mysterious as possible,  doesn’t that sound like so much fun!!
   So get out there, and find your inner child again, and simply have fun with a holiday that encourages us to do so!!!

Monday, September 9, 2013

FTD Good Neighbor Day!

Residents of Montreal will have the unique opportunity to meet each other and develop new friendships when Edgewood hosts the 19th annual FTD Good Neighbor Day event on
Wednesday, September 11, 2013.
Beginning at 8:30AM, we will give away 1200 flowers, in bunches of a dozen, absolutely FREE to anyone who visits the shop (while supplies last.) However, there is one catch. We ask that anyone who picks up a dozen FREE flowers keeps one of the flowers for themselves and gives the others away to 11 different people - spreading goodwill and friendship in the community.
We hope that our visitors will be able to get acquainted with new people or renew an old friendship during FTD Good Neighbor Day, and to help create a friendlier, more caring and compassionate world.
See you then!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Getting Ready for Rosh Hashanah!

One of our busiest holidays is fast on our heels - where did the summer go? While it's true that Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, falls early this year, it doesn't feel quite time for the leaves and the weather to turn. Fortunately, we have some great new products to bridge the seasons... and a new feature in our now-year-old Milton Ave. shop!

Over the thirteen months that we've been here, we noticed that part of the display area required added lighting in order for the plants to thrive. While brainstorming the best way to do this, we came up with the idea of designing a gazebo-type structure which would not only serve as a way to suspend the fixtures, but create a pretty, garden-like ambiance for the space. We just put the finishing touches on it yesterday... have a look!

The planters and begonias we have begun to receive for the holiday period seem to really love this enhancement. And so do we!

Speaking of which, we're very proud of the product we're offering this season. From the plethora of incredibly pretty mixed planters to our always-spellbinding Phalaenopsis orchids to the locally-grown Rieger Begonias raised with care by our cousins at Hudson Greenhouses, it's looking to be a very lush autumn here at Edgewood. We've also been hard at work with our wonderful suppliers, selecting a fresh flower roster that promises to make your holiday table positively enchanting.

We're also happy to offer kosher honey from Intermiel during this holiday season. These 30g and 150g jars serve as a perfect finishing touch to your New Year's gift - and well-priced, too, at $2.50 and $4.50.

See something you like? It's high time to get your orders in... 

Also, please note that we'll be open on Sunday, this week only, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM.
We'll be open on Monday, Labour Day, from 9:00AM to 5:00PM as well.

Happy New Year!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

New FTD Collections!

In an effort to always bring you the best and most cutting-edge in design, we've begun carrying select pieces from a couple of tremendous FTD collections. These upscale arrangements are ideal for those who want to take their floral gift-giving to the next level - lavish offerings, for the discerning client, that possess undeniable presence. Our complete offerings can be found HERE - we're very excited to share them with you!

Vera Wang's collaboration with FTD displays the acclaimed designer's flair for shape and texture, with sleek glassware and a lush assortment of blooms that exude elegance.

And FTD's exciting Luxury collection showcases showcases statement glassware, with an abundance of premium flowers arranged to show off each bloom's unique beauty.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day!

This unseasonable summertime warmth has been a lovely prelude to Mother's Day - brilliant sun and blue sky! It's certainly a wonderful motivator as the Edgewood staff prepares for another busy holiday.

We'll be open throughout Mother's Day weekend to help you choose something special for all the maternal presences in your life. You can drop by or call between 8:30AM and 4:00PM on Saturday, 11 May, and between 8:30AM and 1:00PM on Sunday, 12 May. Of course, our website is always available, day and night, for online purchases.

Here are some of our favourite ways to commemorate the day.
Click through any photo to order it for your own beloved Mom!


Friday, March 22, 2013

"Ici, on commerce avec l'amour!"

Our girl Jess was featured in the first ad released by Provocateur Communications' campaign for linguistic tolerance in Quebec, "Ici, on commerce avec l'amour!" We've no shortage of love for the guys in Provocateur (indeed, they were invaluable in helping us revitalize the Edgewood brand when we moved last summer,) and we're so thrilled at the positive message put forth by this initiative. That's why when the Global news team stopped by to hear our thoughts on the issue of language tensions, we welcomed them into the shop - even amidst our Passover craziness!

Here's the clip from Thursday night's newscast.

You can find the original ad, which has garnerned over 250 000 views in the past four days, HERE.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Passover and Easter!

Although the weather seemingly has yet to get the memo on this, Spring on its way! 
The two holidays that traditionally herald the thaw - Passover and Easter - are being celebrated very early this year. The first Passover seder falls on a Monday, 25 March, at sundown, with Easter following a week later, on Sunday the 31st. 

As always, Edgewood has you covered for all your holiday gift-giving needs. Our flowering plant assortment is gradually arriving, and we've incorporated it into our shop displays, which you can glimpse below. We're also expecting a blast of gorgeously-coloured springtime cut flowers!

Best to get your orders in early - Passover is already two weeks away, and things are sure to get busy around here. Make your selections online, by phone, or by paying us a visit. Happy Spring!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is a mere two days away. Even though February 14th is undoubtedly one of our bread-and-butter holidays, our Edgewood team prefers to take a decidedly less commercial approach to the holiday. We like to view it as a celebration of love, not a day of unreasonable expectations and pressure to consume.

As we've state in this space before, we believe that everyone has someone they love in their lives, be it a partner, a friend, a parent, or a pet. Love is a living thing - a force that grows, that ebbs and flows, that thrives when nurtured - so if you are inclined to give anything at Valentine's Day, why not give something equally lively? Edgewood suggests these floral offerings...

Our classic dozen red roses are priced at $79.95 (+delivery&tax.)
They are the traditional, timeless choice for an old-school romantic.

This "Dinner for Two" centrepiece is a lovely option for those who are spending Valentine's evening at home. The traditional-meets-contemporary combination of roses, hydrangea, hypericum berries and sculptural greens transitions splendidly to everyday use!

 Edgewood is also offering a wide array of arrangements in FTD keepsake vases. 
Each piece is a gorgeous glass container that can be re-used and enjoyed for years to come.

We hope to see or hear from you this Valentine's Day, and our team wishes you a day full of light and joy with those you care about. To love!