We all know winter is coming. A season of shorter days and much colder nights. So because of this, the conditions inside your house change as well. The light levels you normally have during the summer, drops about 50% during this time. We also heat our homes, causing the air inside to be much dryer.
As much as we get affected and need to adjust, so do our houseplants. So it’s a good idea at this time of year to do a little plant cleaning. Yep, they need a “bath” to rid them of dust that may have collected during the summer months.
For larger leafed plants, this can be done using a moist cloth (use luke warm water, not cold or hot). Simply cradle the under part of the leaf with one hand while gently rubbing the top with the cloth. Once done, make sure not to put plant in direct light until it has dried, so as not to burn the leaves. For plants with smaller leaves, it would be easier to simply put them in the shower with a gentle spray, then let them dry before moving them (try not to drown them at the same time, concentrate more on just the leaves) For small plants with small leaves you can do these by the same method but maybe in your sink. If they are very small you could gently swish them in a pail of warm water, making sure to hold the plant in such a way so that the soil and the plant do not come out of its container. Again, let them be completely dry before placing them in the sun. For fuzzy leafed plants, like an African violet, the best way to clean them is with either a soft paint brush, toothbrush, pipe cleaner or even one of its own leafs that may have broken off. Then gently go over each leaf. Do not use a damp cloth on these varieties, as they will not like the water, or the pressure you may put on their leaves.
It is also a good idea to make sure that you remove any flowers, or leaves that may be dead or dying, as they do take strength away from the healthier parts of the plant. Remove any dry leaves that may be resting on the soil as well.
Now that your plant is happy and clean, it can better take in the nutrients it needs from the sun. As we do get less light, you may want to move your plants closer to a light source (window if possible). Making sure the leafs do not actually touch the window, as the cold from the glass will freeze them. Also avoid placing your plants over or near a heat source, as the leaves and soil will dry out. You should also keep in mind if they are in front of a door, or window that you open frequently, they also run the risk of freezing. Plants are more sensitive to temperature drops than we are, and it doesn’t take much exposure to do them harm. As the air inside is drier because of heating, most house plants will also enjoy a fine misting every so often, as it will help give them a bit of humidity.
Watering your plants during the winter does require a little bit more attention. Most house plants do not grow much during the winter due to the shortened days and are what we refer to as being “dormant”. This does not mean you can forget to water them, or that they need less watering. Each and every home is different, some are hotter and dryer than others, and some have more natural lighting than others. This all comes into the equation of watering. Though your plant may not be growing much it still gets thirsty. If your home is very dry, your plant may need more frequent watering of a lesser amount. For instance, instead of once every 10 days, maybe it needs half the normal amount every 5-7 days instead. If you want to check if your plant requires water, insert your finger about 2” into the soil, if it is dry, add water, and if it feels very moist then wait. If you are not sure, you could always give it a touch. It is always easier to give your plants a little bit, (erring on a bit of the dryer side), than have them drown and then try to save it.
The last thing is feeding your house plant. As mentioned above, most plants are “dormant” during the winter months. So for the most part, they do not require any food to help them grow. How ever, if you are in a home that has a lot of natural lighting, your plants may be slightly more active than others. This being said, if you decide to feed them, (though not necessary) dilute the normal amount you would give them by 4, and feed them only a couple of times throughout the winter months. Too much food will make for a very lanky plant that is not very strong.
So keep warm and enjoy the winter. It's here for a while. Remember to help your plants through those long cold days and nights, and they will reward you for years to come.