Thursday, October 30, 2014


     Well, here we are the end of October. Tomorrow is old Hallows eve, better known as Halloween. The day we get to dress up, and for a short time, be someone (or something) different.
    Some of us go all out for this usually macabre day. By decorating their homes inside and out with ghastly ghosts, witches and broomsticks, to tombstones and spider webs. I have seen many houses that are wonderfully done. And although it does take a lot of time and effort, I think it brings a smile to all of us when we see the end results.
    I always liked Halloween; I think it is a fun day and should be treated as such. There is a kid inside every one of us, so let out that inner child!! Paint your hair grey or green, and then paint your face to match. And although there are the traditional costumes like the witches, ghosts and princesses, learn to think outside the box.  I have seen people dressed up as toilets, jelly beans, grandfather clocks, spiders etc., let your imagination go wild!
   Now I know some of you are thinking, what does Halloween have to do with flowers? Besides the usual pumpkin arrangement, autumn colored vase of flowers or garden mums decorating outside, how about using floral products to make or enhance your costumes. You could use fresh greenery to become a forest goblin, or curly willow to become that daunting tree monster. You could even make a bridal bouquet to go with that zombie bride outfit (we could even paint the flowers black to match).  So behind every interesting concept, there could be floral products used to bring out the best of many costumes!! Isn’t this so much fun, I just love Halloween.
  So go out there and have some fun. Remember your costume is only as good as your imagination and the willingness to try something different.
Happy Halloween!!