So to usher in the New Year, and to take
our minds off what a mess it is outside, I have collected some interesting “holidays”
you could celebrate throughout this cold month.
Let’s start with today, January 6, is
Cuddle Up day. Aww doesn’t that sound nice, not that you should need a reason
to cuddle up with your child, spouse or fluffy pooch, but if you haven’t done
so lately, today is a good day to do so.
January 8th, is Bubble bath day,
soak your cold and aching bones in a fun filled bath filled with bubbly fun! It
is also Clean your desk day (I think was started by a boss), which gives even
more reason to have a bath when you get home!
January 10th, Houseplant Appreciation Day.
Yep, time to dust those leaves and maybe have a long talk with your green
friends whom you may have not paid much attention to over the holidays!
January 15th, National Hat Day. I
think most of us Montrealers celebrate this one without even being aware of it.
But should you wish to truly do it justice, go out there with your fanciest,
cutest hat and have fun with it.
January 17th, is Golf Day. Well I
suppose this one is better suited for those who live in a much warmer climate,
but there is always Super Mario Golf right?
January 20th, Penguin Awareness
Day. Those cute black and white flightless birds would have so much fun
waddling around and sliding on their bellies down our icy roads.
January 22. Answer Your Cats Question Day.
Well I am not so sure how successful you will be in doing this, but it would be
fun to try. Then again, just what would a cat ask you besides where’s the beef?
January 24, Compliment Day. Well I guess if
you still haven’t figured out what your cat was asking by now, you could just
compliment him. This is obviously just a nice thing to do, so get out there and
celebrate this one, make people smile!
January 25th, Fun at Work Day.
This one is for the workers and not the bosses, though it may be a good idea to
include your boss in whatever fun you are doing so as not to get in too much
January 26th, Bubble Wrap
Appreciation Day. This is a great day! Find some bubble wrap and pop, pop POP
away!!! I so appreciate the noise it makes and the fun it gives me!
January 31st, Backward Day. Yep today you get to do things
backwards, on purpose. Wear your shirt backwards, walk backwards, epyt
sdrawkcab, you name it. I like the idea of reversing diner, you know, start off
with the desert!
Well that is only a few of
what is out there that you can celebrate to help get through January. As long
as it makes you, and those around you smile, it’s all good!