Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fall flowers, colours, textures and all its beauty

So here it is already mid October, where does the time go? To top it off, we are already into fall. But that’s ok, with the weather we’ve been getting these past weeks, who’s complaining!! It’s unbelievable that we have had sunnier, drier and hotter days from September till now, than we did throughout the summer.. Thank you Mother Nature!! LOL

Seeing that we are in the fall season (my most favourite time of year), I thought I would write something about it. But I didn’t want to go the Halloween route (wasn’t feeling ghoulish enough), and I didn’t want to go into the details of cleaning our gardens and what to do with the flowers (too much work). I just wanted to enjoy the season, enjoy all the beautiful colours it brings (still waiting on that by the way). So I did what most people do, I turned to Google for inspiration.

Along my internet travels I chanced upon a beautiful fall themed arrangement, then I just kept going with that theme. So instead of writing a long winded blog, I’m just going to share with you some inspiring flowers that appealed to me. I did find, that as far as fall arrangements go, that I liked textural components with the flowers. And I enjoy both the simple to a more complicated composition.

 Let’s face it all flowers are beautiful! I hope you like my choices as much as I do.